Visual Arts
Realize your vision your way.
Explore. Practice. Create. Each art class invites you to deepen your individual voice as a visual artist. Beginning with Survey of Visual Arts, you have ample opportunity to work with a hammer, paintbrush, and camera. At the intermediate level, you strengthen your craft in a specific media: photography, sculpture, or painting & drawing. The upper levels provide you with a collaborative studio environment to expand your definition of art-making and foster creative self-confidence.
Branson is all about making good humans. We meet students where they are. We meet them here.
eric oldmiXon,
visual arts teacher & arts department
Get Involved in Visual Arts at Branson
Read about Branson's visual arts course offerings.
Learn about opportunities to show your artwork.
Celebrate the arts with us!
What's Happening in Visual Arts
Two Branson’s favorite community traditions – the Winter Arts Festival and the Annual Tree Lighting – were a blast!
All are invited to FAB 2024: Festival of Arts at Branson on April 26 & 28, 2024.
We have some exciting results from the Youth in Arts 2024 Rising Stars exhibition!
We are very lucky and excited to have Anne Vetter as a visiting artist this semester! Learn more...